Secure your legacy with iLifa - the ultimate tool for tracking and protecting African generational wealth

Are You Sitting on a Fortune?

Did you know that there is over R88bn in unclaimed benefits in South Africa? That's money that belongs to 4 million people who either don't know about it or have passed away. It could be anything from miners' death or health benefits to insurance policies and provident funds from previous employers

At iLifa, we understand that finding out if you are entitled to this money can be a daunting task. That's why our tracking solution makes it easy for you to find out if you have any unclaimed benefits—just enter your key information, and we'll do the rest.

Don't miss out on your unclaimed benefits—try our tracking solution today!

Don't Leave Anything to Chance - Protect Your Legacy

We know you are working hard to build wealth for you and your descendants and you're putting in the time and effort to make sure your family is taken care of

But will they know what you have when you pass on? For most people, the answer to that is no!

iLifa Portal allows you to securely store information about all your assets in a protected vault that can only be accessed after you pass on. This ensures that your assets remain secure while you are alive and are included in your estate when you pass, allowing your family to build generational wealth.

Be the first to know when iLifa Portal launches

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